General Aladeen: [to his pregnant wife] Is this a boy or an abortion?
Pregnant Woman: You two make a cute couple. But could you do this later? When you're not elbow deep in my vagina?
General Aladeen: Oh it's a girl. I'm so sorry. Where's the trashcan?
Pregnant Woman: Oh no we want it!
General Aladeen: You're an Apple Genius, so what do you do?
Nadal: Mostly I clean semen out of laptops.
General Aladeen: I love it when women go to school. It's like seeing a monkey on roller skates -- it means nothing to them, but it's so adorable for us.
Zoey: Could you please take your hands off my breasts?
General Aladeen: Those are breasts? I thought you were a boy.
General Aladeen: Give a man a vagina and he will spick for the day, teach a man to use his hand as a vagina and he will spick for a life time.
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